- Ultra-micro analysis solutions for semiconductor materials and products -

Hong-Kuang Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. provides semiconductor suppliers and customers with reliable and accurate raw material and product analysis services.

We can help analyze ultra-pure water/chemicals, functional chemicals, bulk gases/special gases to solve a variety of problems, including material procurement IQC, product shipment OQC, and product troubleshooting for customers.

The services provided include daily or batch measurements and method development as required by the customer.

Hong-Kuang Hi-Tech is also committed to the process and product quality control.The core task for AMD is to provide customers with stable raw material/process and product CoA quality monitoring to meet the stringent standards of advanced processes and support the research and development of analytical technologies and knowledge.

Can provide customers with the following services:Diagnose and identify pollution and its sources, and increase ultra-pure water/chemicals, functional chemicals, bulk gas/special gas detection limits by ultra-micro analysis.Evaluate and apply appropriate analysis tools, pretreatment methods and test methods.HK Provide the consultant service for ultra-micro analysis technology and knowledge.